Proposed Development of Center Park Place and 75 LaSalle

On Sept. 13, the West Hartford Town Council will be reviewing and voting on the proposed development. I’m writing to voice my support for the proposed development by The Arapahoe Group LLC. I’m impressed by the work done by the group. The due diligence as to the impact to the surrounding neighborhoods is sound, and addresses a number of items within the design.

The proposal is a key project to enhance and modernize a parcel of land that is under utilized, is in disrepair and is non-revenue producing to the town. This development will provide additional residential options for young professionals, retirees, and affordable housing (20% allocation).

I would strongly urge you to approve this proposal as well as take action to make our center a pedestrian friendly zone. This project provides you an opportunity to transform our Center for the future.

Mark Merritt
Chairman, A Connecticut Party of West Hartford

Read the entire letter here, at