We Support You

The Residents of West Hartford

We aren’t members of different teams that need to oppose each other - We are all the same… Residents of West Hartford. We all want to make West Hartford a better place for all of its residents.
We are: A Connecticut Party.

Rick Bush of A Connecticut Party
Candidate for Town Council

Rick Bush

Real Estate Professional

Politics, it’s not about a cult of personality, cancel culture, fringe ideas, or about who is right and who is wrong.

Politics is about governing our people by debating ideas and working to establish rules that we all can live with peacefully, together in harmony, to the best of our ability. Politics is about solving problems, working together, getting things done. Somehow we’ve lost sight of that.

Today, I stand up for democracy. I stand up for you and me and everyone. I stand up for the rule of law and the majority rule. We are in a democracy. This is the best country on the planet. We need to save our institutions, our government, and ourselves from ourselves as government is by the people for the people and WE ARE THE PEOPLE. I’ve never been more proud to be an American and I have never been more proud to stand up for a cause.

Please join me in returning politics to an institution that can be respected to an institution that will do it’s best to cross boundaries, merge opinions, share goals, and find common middle ground. Today I am announcing that I will be leaving the Republican Party and registering as an Independent. I am also announcing my candidacy for West Hartford Town Council as a member of A Connecticut Party along with my esteemed colleagues Lee Gold, Mark Merritt, and Roni Rodman. Together we seek to retake the middle ground and restore moderate ideas. We seek to provide a rational alternative to the politics that have divided our country, our state and our town.

Today we say enough is enough. Join us in taking back the middle and restoring balance to our system of government.

Candidate for Board of Education

Roni Rodman

Small Business Owner

Roni Rodman has lived in West Hartford with her husband and three children for the past 14 years and is an active member of the West Hartford community. Currently the PTO President of King Philip Middle School, Roni just completed her second term. She is also a business owner, running Kappa Consulting, having established THE MEDSPA in Blue Back Square in 2018. As an active member of the West Hartford Conservation and Environment Commission Town Council, Roni seeks to better our community today and in the future.

As an Ambassador with Key Bank in their “Key For Women”program, Roni is helping to empower women run business owners to grow, expand,and be recognized within their communities.

Roni graduated from The University of California San Diego with a degree in Political Science and a minor in Ecology. After moving to Boston to pursue her Master's in Education from Boston University, Roni met her husband Marc. They moved to West Hartford where they raised their family, and all three children are products of the West Hartford School system.

Roni’s love of Halloween evolved into an annual Haunted House celebration, which brings in families from Hartford to take part in the fun.

Kristyn Rosen-Jacobs
Candidate for Board of Education

Kristyn Rosen-Jacobs


What makes a school district great? Just as large, beautiful vessels don’t sail alone, schools and their districts require leaders full of tenacity, patience, and empathy to sail into that sea. Integrity drives them forward. Passion drives them forward. Embracing the art of delegation drives them forward. Relationships drive them forward. Educational leaders not only serve as administrators but truly are the stewards of the profession by spearheading and supporting the teachable moment through educational advocacy. They are mentors for staff and champions for children. Extraordinary leadership makes a school district great. But, empowered students make a school district great as well. Phenomenal and loving families make a school district great. A sound and observant board of education that listens makes a school district great. One cannot exist without the others.

Today, we face what feels like insurmountable walls. We swirl through an educational tornado, impacted by the divisiveness of standardized testing. We brace ourselves to help children overcome inequity, growing like viral weeds out of every corner. We raise our fists in solidarity against the palpable tensions of a renewed language of hateful racism. We soothe the after-effects of the Pandemic that still affect our community in devastating ways. Despite the height of this masonry, I want to collaboratively create a school culture that stares in the face of this adversity and smashes it to pieces. This is why I am running for the Board of Education.

I come to this electoral season with 18 years of experience as a public school teacher and curriculum expert. Now in a new role at Capital One Financial, I am still activating my teaching in human resources and learning and development. I had extraordinary experiences as a student as well and I did not know that, years later, I would still be calling on these moments to guide my practice as an educational advocate and leader. Today, it is that same visionary approach I was raised on that is vital to success in public education. It must exist, regardless of the social, emotional, and inequitable hurdles educators face today. It was those relationships that left an indelible mark on my heart - the same ones I plan to build as a democratic and fair member of the Board.

The biggest chunk of my heart is reserved for my family and it is with pride that I dedicate this endeavor to them. I look forward to meeting you all.

A Connecticut Party

Our Journey

  • 1990

    ACP was formed

    A Connecticut Party was a political party formed by former Republican senator and gubernatorial candidate Lowell Weicker in 1990.

  • 1992

    Party Convention

    The party held its first convention with 350 delegates attending. At the convention the party endorsed more than 100 candidates for the General Assembly

  • 1994

    Carrying the Torch

    Weicker's lieutenant governor, Eunice Groark, carried the ACP banner into the governor's race, but was defeated, finishing third with 18.9% of the vote.

  • 2021

    A New Start

    Four former Republicans make the decision to re-convene the party establishing a ‘Rational Alternative’ to the current political landscape.